Figuring out just the right kind of “yum” for kids can be a daunting task. What may seem as a gourmet and classy touch for adults may come-off as downright treason to a child – “Cherry Ice Cream Float? As in, fruit on my ice cream?! Don’t yuck my yum!”…I already hear my littlest one’s reaction to a fruit topping on his ice cream. I hear ya, Liam.

With this in mind, I carefully crafted a “Fruit-n-Float night”. Today, I’m focusing on a Cherry Float, but you’ll find it’s a cinch to sub-in any type of fruit that will knock-out any potential ‘yucky’ reactions. The cherry on top of the recipe (literally) is a coulis, which is a fancy word for a fruit-based sauce paired with lemon juice, sugar, and water.

It’s marvelously simple, and yet looks so darn impressive once you’ve paired it with your favorite ice cream, a dash of whipped cream, some Pellegrino, and an added coulis topping. Although soda water may *sound* less appealing than your go-to root beer staple, it’s actually a saving grace here. Ice cream, fruit coulis, whipped cream and root beer? The sugar may give you and/or your children the shakes…take my word for it on this one, and enjoy!


  1. Cherry Coulis – see recipe here
  2. Ice Cream
  3. Pellegrino Sparkling Water
  4. Whipping Cream + Topping Cherry + Straw
ice cream float


  1. Cherry coulis
  2. Ice cream scoops to about ¾ full
  3. Brush inside 1” brim of glass
  4. Pour in sparkling water in center of glass and being careful not to touch fruit brim to ¾ full
  5. Add a dollop of whipping cream atop
  6. Carefully pour over fruit coulis
  7. Add cherry & straw to finish
ice cream float
ice cream float
ice cream float
ice cream float

This is clearly no ordinary float. Would you like a bit of inspiration to get you started? Fear not! Find a few thought-starters below (and remember, let your imagination run wild here):

  1. Consider incorporating fun ice cream flavors like “Jeni’s goat cheese”, or “Cherry Vanilla”. This decision will help in deciding which toppings to choose to top the final product.
  2. Toss with nuts or cereal or something with a crunch.  Kids will love the choices here, so let them choose here. As for the adults – this is your time and excuse to indulge like none other.
  3. A last option for adults – like all good things in life, you’re definitely able to add in alcohol for the seltzer like a wine spritzer or a Cabernet Franc.

Photos by: Maria Hedrick Photography

ice cream float
ice cream float

Cherry Milkshake

By TheSweetNerd  

August 3, 2017


Cherry Coulis

2 cups cherries, pitted and halved or frozen thawed

¼ cup water

3 tablespoons sugar

2 teaspoons lemon juice

Ice Cream Float

3 scoops vanilla


½ cup cold whipping cream, whipped for garnishing

fresh or frozen cherries for garnishing


Cherry Coulis

1Place cherries into a small saucepan with the water, sugar and lemon juice. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat. Cook until cherries are soft (about 7 minutes).

2Remove cherries from heat, transfer to a blender and puree. Strain through a fine mesh strainer to ensure a smooth sauce. Refrigerate the coulis for up to three days.


1In a glass, add a layer of coulis and then top with 3-5 ice cream scoops. Next, brush some coulis around the rim of the glass. Top with seltzer, and add a scoops of whipping cream. Garnish with a cherry on top!



  • Lorna Soonhee Umphrey
    8 years ago

    This sounds so delicious and the perfect excuse for an afternoon sugar high.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Yes, Lorna, or let’s just call it an afternoon pick-me-up. 🙂

  • Tessa
    8 years ago

    I loved the fruit coulis recipe earlier this week – and this is such an easy way to use it. Subbing wine spritzer for me!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      I’m right there with you, Tessa.

  • Ryan A.
    8 years ago

    You have me drooling at the idea of ice cream at 9:45am! This recipe seems so simple yet the result looks so gorgeous. Bookmarking this!!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Fruit and cream are a perfect way to start any day, right?!

  • Kendall Haun
    8 years ago

    I love that you gave us a recipe for fruit coulis and then showed us how to use it best! Yum

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      I have more uses for fruit coulis up my sleeve…coming soon. 😉

  • 8 years ago

    This looks amazing! Perfect for summer and SO Pretty!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Thanks Cassie – I love summer fruit so much, I’m so sad summer is almost over. On to the holidays I guess!

  • Anna Ehrlich
    8 years ago

    I think I can do this for our family~ looks delicious!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      You can Anna – and they’ll thank you for it!

  • Perfect for the afternoon heat in California. Thanks for the recipe.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      No kidding, Calleigh. This heat is killing me – can’t wait for about 10 degrees cooler.

  • Laura
    8 years ago

    Very nice idea to add the San Pellegrino water. It looks delicious

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Thanks Laura – I love a little fizz.

  • I can see how fruit in float might seem heretical to a child, but not to me! I could eat this all day long!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Great word usage Lisa! I completely 100% agree.

  • Looks fantastic, love cherries in ice creams, Yummy recipe, will try it!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      I recommend using cherries while you can since the season is short. Thanks Patty!

  • 8 years ago

    Gah, I’m dying. I haven’t had an ice cream float in so freaking long. And I’ve never had a cherry ice cream float to boot. Your recipe looks so good!!!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Thanks Christina. I love floats. Enjoy!

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