Pumpkin Chocolate Mini Bundts with Silky Chai Sauce

These Pumpkin Chocolate Bundts remind me of my older sisters. All three of ’em. We’re an incredibly tight-knit bunch, despite the fact we live on opposite corners of California (with one outlier in Arizona).  This  particular Pumpkin Chocolate Bundt recipe – a staunch family favorite – always brings us all together like none other.

Baking in a clan of four sisters has its pros and cons…let’s start with the latter. When all of us come together, there are too many chiefs, too few Indians.  The pros: we laugh consistently throughout the entire process. A good laugh or two is awesome in any kitchen, but we take it to the next level.  Hyperventilation into paper bags and snorting.

Another characteristic of the Arnold family? Teasing. Incessantly. I smile writing this because the truth is, laughing with my sisters is truly the best medicine. It is also downright ugly.  We’re so damn comfortable with one another that the laughter just flows.  So, crammed into our “cozy” kitchen in Whittier, we’d squeeze together and bake this heavenly pumpkin chocolate bread.

Even today, the smell is deeply associated with memories of four girls (and one very unhelpful older brother) breaking into a freshly-baked batch.  Now that we’re so deep into the season, I felt it the perfect time to share this super-rich, moist, fall recipe. This is a fool-proof recipe, one entirely irresistible. It can be tackled by the most timid of bakers (and the bread freezes perfectly!)

If you want to try and flex your skills a bit more, add a chocolate-chai ganache sauce. It will add a flare to the presentation, and an unexpected kick of flavor from the chai.

Begin by simmering ½ cup heavy whipping cream with a chai tea bag. Let it steep for 20 minutes. While the tea steeps, chop ½ cup high quality white chocolate discs. Remove your tea bag and reheat the cream mixture. Once at a simmer, remove from heat. Pour over ½ cup of chopped white chocolate. Stir until a smooth pouring consistency.

In terms of pans, you have a ton of flexibility here: a mini-bundt pan, baking loaf, or regular bundt are all fair game. Bake them at 350 until the toothpick test gives you a green light. Enjoy this family favorite – it’s sure to become a staple for yours too!


Photos by: Maria Hedrick Photography

Silky Chai Pumkin Bundt Cakes with Chocolate

By TheSweetNerd  

November 17, 2018

  • Prep: 20 mins
  • Cook: 50 mins


1 cup oil

4 eggs

16 oz pumpkin puree

2 cups sugar

2 cups flour, sifted

2 tsp baking soda

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp salt

2 tsp cinnamon

12 oz chocolate chips or nibs, semi-sweet


1Either by hand or in a kitchen aid, combine the wet ingredients together (in order of recipe). Then, add sugar. Next, combine dries in a separate bowl and stir. Add dries into wet batter, and just before all the ingredients are incorporated, add the chocolate chips or nibs. Don’t over-stir.

2This recipe’s cooking vessel is versatile. It is great in a large or mini bundt, or a loaf pan. Bake at 350 until toothpick test comes out clean. If using a large bundt, it takes nearly one hour. If small mini bundts, adjust accordingly, 30 minutes or so.



  • Oh this sounds so delicious Cindy…that sauce!!! I could drink it! And that photo makes me so happy. I don’t have sister and now I’m officially jealous!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      Thanks Cathy! You are too funny – that chai sauce is pretty awesome…. glad you liked it.

  • April Davila
    8 years ago

    I made these just after Thanksgiving – so delicious. They are light, and not overwhelmingly sweet, and then that sauce… Highly recommend this one to ladies looking for a good holiday treat!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      8 years ago

      So glad April. This recipe reminds me of my grandma, and she would be happy that others are trying it! Cheers.

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