Easy Pretzel Pleasers

Humor me for a moment, and picture this: last Saturday at 5:30pm, we were expecting a dinner date (with kids) at 6pm sharp. Garlic chicken was finishing in the oven, and there was a little calm before everyone was expected to arrive. Liam, my 6 year old, comes in and looks at the raspberry galette I have cooling on the counter.

Easy Pretzel Pleasers “What’s THAT?!” he asks, and my heart sinks. Of course. Galettes are not big kid pleasers…SNAP! So I raid my pantry: white chocolate + pretzel sticks. Within 20 minutes, I melted the chocolate, dipped, coated, sprinkled and set these easy pretzel pleasers out before anyone had a chance to knock on the door.
It’s not gourmet, but my kids love them!

Yes, these treats seem too simple to impress, but you’ll find that these are a perfectly simple surprise for kids. The parents will be asking for the recipe for both the raspberry galette and these easy little pretzel pleasers.

Photos by: Maria Hedrick Photography

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

By TheSweetNerd  

May 23, 2016

  • Prep: 15 mins


Pretzel Rods

Melting Chocolate Discs

Decorating Candies and Sprinkles


1Melt chocolate in microwave in a coffee mug. Heat for 10-15 seconds at a time and stir occasionally to prevent chocolate from burning. (Alternatively, you could use a marie bain too).

2Dip pretzel rod halfway and place on parchment paper. Do in small batches and then decorate.

3Sprinkle with your favorite toppings.

4Note: If chocolate is too stiff, you can add a 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable or grape seed oil to increase fluidity.


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