Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake Hack

If you’re reading this, congratulations! You’ve successfully survived the holidays, and have arrived in 2018. Phew. I do January. In a few weeks, Valentine’s Day will be upon us before we realize it. As such, January is a great month to introduce the “hack.” You may have heard of these in other forms, like an “easy recipe,” “cheat tips” or  “busy mom secrets” (that last one I just threw in there, but it works), but really – for all intents and purposes – this is a “hack”. This Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake hack has five ingredients, and requires about 15 minutes of hands-on time. Have I convinced you yet? Overachievers, don’t worry, we’ll still have plenty of elaborate baking recipes to create from scratch, but The Sweet Nerd will definitely be releasing hacks throughout 2018!


Plan to make this one day ahead since there’s an ice cream filler that’ll need to freeze overnight. But otherwise, the stop motion explains it all. Buy an angel food cake from the grocery; any will do. At home, take the angel food cake out of the container and slice in half. Place the bottom half of the cake back into the container.

Mix 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream, sprinkle a large handful of berries (I used my fave, Driscoll’s raspberries) and if you want to kick it up a notch, add 1 tablespoon of brandy. Kids at the dessert table? Let’s omit the brandy all together then. Add the ice cream mixture to the bottom layer of cake. Top with other half of angel food cake, and freeze overnight.

Brandy Berry Topping


This topping really takes the cake (pun intended) and should be prepared a full day ahead as well. Mix 4 cups of fruit in a 9×13 pan. For the fruit topping I used raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, a few orange slices and even a few cherries. Add 1 2/3 cups of sugar, and 1 cup of brandy. Let this sit overnight so the berries can thoroughly soak up the sugar and brandy.

Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake


The next day, pull out the angel food cake and remove from the container. Top with the now brandy-infused berries and greens of your choice (I topped with a sprig of mint – by “greens” we don’t mean arugula, folks).

Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake

Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake

I love the red and white in this cake – to me it screams “love” and “kisses”. Maybe a little boozy kiss. Hope this hack finds its way into your upcoming Valentine’s baking this month. Enjoy!

Slice of Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake


Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake

Photos by: Maria Hedrick Photography

Brandy Berry Angel Food Cake Hack

By TheSweetNerd  

January 31, 2018


1 store bought angel food cake

4 cups fruit in a 9 x 13 pan

1 and 2/3 cups sugar

1 cup brandy plus 1 tablespoon for ice cream

4 scoops vanilla ice cream


1Take store bought angel food cake out of container and slice in half.

2Place bottom half of cake back into the container. Take 4 scoops of ice cream and add berries and 1 tablespoon brandy (optional).

3Add ice cream layer on top of bottom layer of cake. Top with other half of angel food cake. Freeze overnight.

4Prepare topping by adding berries, sugar, and brandy to a 9 x 13 pan and let sit overnight.

5Pull out of freezer and remove cake from container.

6Top with brandy infused berries and greens of your choice.



  • Mary Arnold
    7 years ago

    This berry cake hack sounds wonderful. I will definitely be making this for my loves for Valentine’s. Can’t wait! ????

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Aw thanks. Maybe you’ll make it for me?!

  • Kendall
    6 years ago

    I love the ease and beauty of this recipe! Maybe I’ll make it for my parents.. I think they’d really like it 🙂

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      That would be really sweet, Kendall. They’ll love it.

  • Tessa
    6 years ago

    I love hacks, Cindy, they’re so my speed. This one looks like it took more work than it did with the ice cream filler. I’m going to omit the brandy and make for my three little valentines.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Yes – you should absolutely adjust to your audience. 🙂

  • 6 years ago

    This is brilliant! Angel food cake is my favorite, but it takes so long to make by the time you separate out the egg whites, etc. Love this hack!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Thanks! I agree, it make it way more do-able.

  • Ryan A.
    6 years ago

    This is something I could even find the time to do. Love the idea of #hacking your way into something so beautiful!

    Love it.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Me too. Thanks Ryan – I think it’s pretty too.

  • 6 years ago

    This looks like an awesome dessert. Those berries look amazing.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Thanks Sandi. Driscoll’s has the best berries ever – I don’t know how they do it but they seem to have good looking fruit for all seasons.

  • 6 years ago

    This is so lovely. I love how fresh the flavors must be and how bright and happy it looks! Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day! 🙂

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Thanks Valentina! What a pretty name. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  • 6 years ago

    So lovely! Berries sure make cake decorating easy and tasty!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Agreed Linda, it’s a little cheat that’s tasty and good for your body.

  • anna Ehrlich
    6 years ago

    I love berries and all the other ingredients! This recipe looks so good! Will make this soon!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      6 years ago

      Thanks Anna – if you do, please let me know! I would love to hear how it went.

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