Coffee Flour Mistletoe Cookies

Bring it on December! I know that technically after Thanksgiving, the official winter holiday season begins. Not by store or retail standards, heck that started practically in July. But for this Sweet Nerd, the Christmas season is in full force once December hits. From then on the baking begins, Amazon is constantly ringing our doorbell, and the boys begin to get super squirrely as winter break approaches. So in the name of December 1st, it feels very appropriate to bring you this post on Mistletoe Cookies.

Mistletoe Cookies

What is Coffee Flour?


First, let me tell you a little about just what the heck coffee flour is. Technically, it’s an ingredient made by the discarded fruit and skin of dried coffee cherries. Coffee Flour is also the name of the company that produces it, one that focuses on environmental sustainability, and its global impact, all while being an active supporter of its coffee growing communities. The flour itself comes in fine grind and coarse grind varieties, and tastes like roasted fruits, dates and figs with citrus notes. I used the Nicaragua blend for this recipe. It really was the secret ingredient in these yummy cookies – adding just a slightly nutty flavor. To boot, it’s gluten free, vegan, paleo and non-GMO. Booya!

Playing with cut out letters and sugar


Follow the recipe directions for the coffee flour cookies, and then cover and let set at least 8 hours. Or better yet, make the dough the night before. When you’re ready to bake, preheat a 300F convection oven. Portion small scoops, and bake 10-15 minutes until set but not over baked. (If you don’t have a convection oven, just keep you eye on the cookies as they may be ready before the 10-15 minute bake time.)

Dip the cookies


I used red, green and white Chocoley melts for the cookie and its mistletoe. For the half-dipped look, melt all of the chocolates, and dip cookies in the white chocolate. Let set.

Decorate with bows and snowflakes

Give each color its own piping bag, and starting with white, make up your own designs or imitate mine. I was thinking of gifts, bows, and snowflakes.

Green for the mistletoe leaves

With the green, draw out the leaves of the mistletoe.

Red for the mistletoe berries

And add little red dots for the berries! These Mistletoe Cookies look good enough to set out for Santa, complete with milk and straws.

Ready for Santa!


Photos by: Maria Hedrick Photography

Mistletoe Cookies
Mistletoe Cookies

Coffee Flour Cookies

By TheSweetNerd

December 1, 2018



2 cup all-purpose flour

1/3 cup Coffee Flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 sticks unsalted butter, room temp

1 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed

1/2 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon kosher salt

2 eggs, room temp

1 tablespoon vanilla

2 cups good quality bittersweet chocolate chips


Red Chocoley melts

Green Chocoley melts

White Chocoley melts



1Combine all dry ingredients in bowl and set aside.

2Combine eggs and vanilla in a bowl with a whisk and set aside.

3Cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy med/high speed.

4On low speed, add eggs and vanilla mixture, making sure to scrape the bowl often.

5Once eggs have been incorporated, add the dry ingredients in two additions making sure to scrape the bowl often to ensure a homogenous dough. Incorporate chocolate chips with a paddle.

6Cover and allow to set at least 8 hours or overnight.

7Preheat a 300F convection oven.

8Portion as desired and bake 10-15 minutes until set but not over baked.


1Melt all the chocolates, dip cookies in white chocolate half way and let set.

2Using the green and red chocolate, make the mistletoe design.



  • Lorna Soonhee
    7 years ago

    I’m so new to coffee flour but absolutely love the rich flavor. These are beautiful – I can’t wait to try these out!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      Please do – and let me know how they turn out!

  • Tessa
    7 years ago

    I love coffee so much I’m dying to try these cookies. Happy December to you!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      To you too!

  • 7 years ago

    Wow, I’ve never even heard of Coffee Flour! This sounds so intriguing. I’m definitely going to look into this ingredient

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      Thanks Julia – check it out. I hear they have it at Trader Joe’s. 😉

  • 7 years ago

    As soon as I saw “coffee cookies”, I was sold! 😀 I love coffee and this is certainly on my list to try out! They look amazing!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      You and me both!

  • 7 years ago

    Such cute and delicious cookies for the holidays!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      Thanks Lisa!

  • Girl! This is so timely. I went to Trader Joe’s the other day and walked out with coffee flour even though I had no idea what to do with it. I knew I liked coffee and that was that. This looks like the perfect way for me to test them out. Chocolate and coffee are a match made in heaven!

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      So serendipitous Karen! Please let me know if you try these cookies – I would love to hear how they turned out.

  • 7 years ago

    Coffee flour! I have never heard of this, but I am very interested in trying it.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      Yes! Try it! 🙂

  • Kendall
    7 years ago

    This is the coolest trick! I’m going to have to try coffee flour because it sounds like it has so much potential and I love the idea of sustainability that comes from it.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      Agreed, the sustainability factor and what the company is doing for the communities is so great.

  • Ryan Arnold
    7 years ago

    This look so festive! I’m intrigued by the idea of coffee flower, almost scared….can’t wait to try this out! Thanks for sharing.

    • Cindy "TheSweetNerd" Rodriguez
      7 years ago

      Thanks Ryan – coffee flour is new to me as well, but it was well worth the new experience.

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