Doesn’t just looking at this blood orange cake make you bloody happy? I’ve got Aussies on the brain lately, thinking about an exciting night I had one year ago when I accompanied my friend (and favorite Australian) to the hospital while she was in labor. Allow me to quickly digress in a perfect Aussie story to go with this lovely, delicate delight.
Lisa was home alone when she started going into labor. Her husband was across the pond for work when she called to let us know that she was “fine” and that she was headed to the hospital. It was 3am, so of course I headed over to her place. When I got there, she was calling for an Uber to take her to Cedar Siani. You read that right…she had just called an Uber.
We climbed into my car and drove to the hospital. Trying to find things to take her mind off the whole ‘going into labor’ thing, I spotted the full moon and pointed it out to her. “Will you look at that! Isn’t it beautiful?” I said, awestruck. I don’t think she was feeling very much like stargazing…
Anyhow, it was a very exciting night, and I will forever have the unique privilege of having been there for little Bella’s (short for Isabel) birth. So naturally, when her first birthday rolled around, I had to whip up something special.
Now this cake may not seem like the kind of thing you bake up for a baby’s birthday, but let’s be honest, the first birthday isn’t for them anyway. It’s much more for the parents (high-five – you made it through the first year!), and thinking back on that crazy, beautiful night, I just couldn’t resist this gorgeous princess of a cake. So festive and dramatic at the same time. Somehow it seemed perfect.
This blood orange cake recipe is more advanced so I would encourage you to just take it step by step. If you tackle one section at a time, you will get this one right! It’s time-intensive, but loads easier if you prep a few days in advance prior to the actual assembly.
To help simplify things, we’ll split this recipe into 3 parts: Vanilla Cardamom Cake / Cream Cheese Frosting / Honey Baked Blood Orange Topping

Bake your vanilla cakes (these should come complete with fresh cardamom). Then be sure to prep the filling: sliced blood oranges, roasted crushed pistachios, and frosting in a piping bag (or ziploc). I used a large Ateco star tip #849, but feel free to use any tip you like! And if you don’t have bags and tips, just scoop the same amount between the layers (roughly 1/2 cup) and a good ole butter knife. I promise you, the cake will take on a rustic beauty that will have you smiling from ear-to-ear.
Start with filling the cake. If you really want to hone your fancy-pants pastry skills, you can brush each layer with simple syrup. Then, begin your piping of the frosting. I start on the outside, leaving about a 1/4 inch between the frosting and border as the weight of each layer will ultimately push it down.
Once you have your frosting piped, begin to layer the blood orange slices. Top this with a handful of irresistible roasted pistachio, and you’re good to go.
Restrain yourself, we’re not eating the goods yet!
Continue by creating each layer of your cake, each with as much love and care put into the first layer of your masterpiece.
This is the most satisfying part (maybe because it’s the end?). Take those lovely cylindrical blood oranges, sticky and wonderful, and begin to build them in a circle. Last, top one off in the middle, sprinkle your last dash of pistachio and you are officially ready to swag into your next party with this bloody beauty!
As for me, I was proud of the moment my girlfriend saw this blood orange cake. I explained my inspiration and we laughed (and cried) about that intimate, special and shared moment. If you are an Aussie out there reading this post somewhere in the ether-world, huge kisses and hugs to ya’ll. Some of the best people I know!
Photos by: Maria Hedrick Photography
Credits: Naked Cakes & Citrus Sweet & Savory
Tools: Ateco Tips
It does indeed make me bloody happy! And how sweet that you were there for little Bella’s birth!
It was pretty awesome! Love that Aussie spitfire. Glad you are bloody happy!
What a special moment you shared with your friend! And blood orange definitely makes me happy! So pretty, right?! And this cake? Swoon….love the combo of blood orange and pistachios. How could I just eat one piece? Not happenin’ 😉
Thanks Dawn. Yeah, the one-portion rule is a NO-GO with this one. Sort of like that Peanut Butter Nutella Banana Bread! That one is going to have me running miles and miles to burn off that anticipated binge session.
This cake is an absolute beauty and I loved to read the story behind it. I can put cardamom in everything so these flavors really speak to me 🙂
Thanks Jenny! I love cardamom too. Just saw your site and it is goooorgeous. Thanks for the fine compliment.
What an intensely beautiful moment you shared with your friend! I keep seeing such beautiful blood orange recipes like me and I am filled with such jealousy that its not citrus season here in Australia. I shall have to suffice at drooling over your stunning photographs
Awww shucks, thanks. We visited Australia in 2016 and it was lovely. My buddy is from Anglesea and so we visited Melbourne, Syndey, and some small beachside towns. It was perfect. Thanks for the compliment.
I love stories that connect to food, and what a special moment you shared! This must be one of the prettiest cakes I’ve ever seen! I’ve got blood oranges on my butcher block island… Maybe I’ll get brave. Baking is not my forte, though I can certainly do it! Stunning.
Oh gosh, if I was a betting woman, I would put my money on you coming up with an awesome blood orange sauce and some type of amazing entree.
I love how you associate cake with royalty- it’s perfect! The queen of pumpkin cakes and now the princess cardamom. So beautiful too! ????