Fruit Cubes

Fruit Cubes

By TheSweetNerd  

November 15, 2016



Mint, tiny whole leaves

Cucumber, sliced into thin 1/8 inch triangles (small enough to fit into your cube tray)

1/2 lemon, sliced into thin 1/8 inch triangles (small enough to fit in your cube tray)

1/2 lemon peel, julienned

2-3 strawberries, sliced thin (small enough to fit into your cube tray)

Blueberries, whole

1/2 orange sliced into thin 1/8 inch triangles (small enough to fit in your cube tray)

1/2 orange peel, julienned

Edible Floral Packet, separate floral petals (small enough to fit in your cube tray)


Mint Cucumber Ice Cubes:

1Add water, lime zest, cucumber triangle, and optional petal

Blueberry Orange Ice Cubes:

1Add water, orange zest, orange slices, blueberries, and optional petals

Strawberry Lemon Ice Cubes:

1Add water, then add strawberries, lemon slices, lemon zest, and optional petals

2Freeze & Enjoy!


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