Golden Butterscotch Sauce
By TheSweetNerd Cremes and Puddings
March 14, 2016
- Prep: 10 mins
- Cook: 30 mins
1Combine butter & sugar in a large 5 quart pot over low flame.
2Once melted, raise heat to medium-high and add 1 cup cream and vanilla bean. In three more batches, add 1 cup of cream at a time until vigorously boiling for about 5 minutes. Stir constantly while boiling to prevent burning. After last batch is boiled for 5 minutes, turn off heat. Then add last ingredients, salt and vanilla extract.
3Butterscotch keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.
4*Note: Butterscotch will seize when kept in refrigerator. To rewarm, place in hot water (about ¾ way up bottle or jar) until it liquefies again. Or you can rewarm in microwave in 15 second intervals.
Note: This recipe is from Mindy Segal, Cookie Love
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