Berry Maple Gastrique Lemon Tarts

By TheSweetNerd  ,

July 9, 2016

Credits: Modified recipe from Zak Pelaccio Food and Wine, Russian Cream With Strawberries

  • Prep: 10 mins
  • Cook: 40 mins


Lemon Curd

2 whole eggs

2 egg yolks

½ cup sugar

zest from 1 lemon

3 ounces lemon juice

4 ounces butter, cut into small cubes


2 cup red wine vinegar

3/4 cup of maple syrup

mixed berries

storebought premade tart shells


Lemon Curd

1Combine the eggs, yolks, sugar, juice, and zest over a bain-marie. Add butter and cook, whisking occasionally until thick. Cover with saran wrap and let wrap touch the top of the lemon curd. This will prevent it from forming a skin.


1Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine the vinegar and the remaining 6 tablespoons of maple syrup and bring to a simmer. Cook until thickened and reduced to 1/2 cup, 15 to 20 minutes. Let the maple gastrique cool to room temperature and refrigerate.


1Berries: Drip the gastrique on top of the berries over a cooling rack for easy clean-up.

2Tarts: Fill tart shells with meyer lemon curd, then place gastriqued berries atop.


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