1This drink is simply equal parts. Depending on the size of your pitcher, you may need more or less, but just keep your ratios the same.
2For your sliced apples, cut out shamrock shapes.
3For the melon, slice and cut out shamrock shapes, too, or make 10-12 melon balls. If you want this drink super cold, you can freeze your melon balls and they will act like ice cubes.
4Rim glasses with green sanding sugar by rimming your glass with a lemon wedge and gently pressing it into a bowl of sugar.
5If you do not have green sanding sugar, you can make your own by putting 1/4 c. clear sanding sugar, 1 drop of green food color (Americolor), and one drop of a flavor oil such as green apple (Loran's flavor oils) into a ziploc bag, mix around and you're ready to go!
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